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Austausch von Meinungen, Informationen, Erfahrungen, Kenntnisse, Wissen, Fragen und Antworten zum Thema Ayurveda

08.07.15 17:49


Hallo Zusammen

Immer mehr möchte ich meinen Klienten/innen einen anderen Weg aufzeichnen in der Behandlung von Onychomykose und Interdigitalmykose.

Wie wird in der Ayurveda Mykose angeschaut ?

Und wir wird es behandelt.

Vielen Dank.


23.07.15 15:48

Re: Mykose and other deseases

Hello Mr. Michel,

In ayurvedic science it doesn’t matter which desease or sickness… because this are only symptoms, based on an imbalanced dosha system. The ayurvedic doctor is only interested to find out the root cause, means, which of the dosha is too small or too dominant and tries to influence the doshas by treatments, foods, drinks and medicine.
It takes a few days investigation to find out what dosha is not in order.
That’s why any advice about specific sicknesses without knowing the dosha condition of the patient is not helpful.
Dr. Ravi
